Dog licenses for 2021 are on sale through the Schuylkill County Treasurer’s office.
Treasurer Linda Marchalk said due to COVID-19 restrictions, licenses are available by mail, online, or at the drop-off box, which is located at the security entrance where the public enters. Completed applications can be sent to the Schuylkill County Treasurer, 401 N. Second St, Pottsville, PA 17901. To download and application or search for county dog agents visit
Visit for an application or to buy a license. A $2 online fee applies per dog.
All dogs 3 months and older must be licensed by Jan. 1 per state law. Failure to license a dog is a summary offense punishable by a fine of up to $300 per unlicensed dog.
Cost is $8.50 and $6.50 if spayed or neutered per license. Discounts are available for senior citizens and those with disabilities at a $2 reduced cost each.
Lifetime licenses are also available but dogs must be microchipped. A veterinarian must complete a permanent verification form, which is valid for 30 days.
Cost for a lifetime license is $51.50 or $31.50 if spayed or neutered. Those 65 and older and people with disabilities pay $31.50 or $21.50 if spayed or neutered.
Licensing dogs also provides a way for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Dog Law, police departments and shelters to identify and reunite pets with their owners.