Deviant behavior is bad behavior that breaks social rules and makes society less desirable or more dangerous. People who engage in deviant behavior are often considered ‘bad people,’ and deviant behaviors tend to be stigmatized.
Social norms vary across cultures so that what is considered deviant by one person may be acceptable by another person. However, there are some generally acceptable social behaviors.
Social-cultural norms provide a common basis for people’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. They also lead to creating rules that regulate the behavior and expectations for a person’s actions in social situations.
Deviant behavior is classified into formal and informal.
Get the following premium features for free after ordering a custom sociology assignment from us:This type of deviance includes deviant acts that violate social norms and mainly the Law of the land. These behaviors are primarily classified under ‘crime.’ The offenders face the criminal law enforcers and serve a prison term most of the time. Some offenses like rape, murder, and sexual harassment are considered devious. Below are 50 examples of formal deviant behaviors
Rape is sexual intercourse without consent. Rapists are imprisoned for rape and serve long-term imprisonment. This act can be an offense against a stranger, a partner, or any other person.
Murder is a crime of taking the life of another human. It occurs when someone intentionally kills another person. This crime is punishable through imprisonment and death penalty in some countries.
It refers to the abuse of power and control by a partner through negative sexual, physical, or emotional behaviors. This type of deviant behavior results in severe trauma to the victim. The abusers end up in prison if proper actions are taken.
These are the offenses that involve breaking into houses or other property to steal. Armed robbers and thieves offend the members of society and the lawmakers.
This kind of deviant behavior involves any form of violence against a person or another living creature. The offender is imprisoned for acts that lead to physical harm. For example, you may be imprisoned for punching your friend in the face.
Arson is deviant behavior that violates property. The arsonist decides to set fire on houses or other structures. Usually, arsonists want to gain economically from their crimes. For instance, they can set houses on fire to claim insurance.
This deviant behavior refers to persistent and unwanted sexual advances in the form of comments or touching. It is a form of sexual assault, and it is punishable by the Law. Both men and women can be victims.
Vandalism is the willful damage or destruction of public or private property. The vandals destroy property for fun or to make a point.
DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated. DUI is Drinking Under Influence. This deviant behavior results from drinking alcohol and driving a vehicle in public. The offender disobeys the Law and is imprisoned for driving under the influence of drugs.
It refers to the crime of deceiving other people by misleading them. The offender will result to the deviant behavior to make money or personal gain.
Drug trafficking involves distributing or selling illegal drugs like marijuana and heroin. The offender will be imprisoned for these offenses because they are illegal.
It refers to the crime of deceiving the government by avoiding or underpaying taxes. The offender may be imprisoned for these offenses.
This deviant behavior is the disregard for public order and peace. The offender creates a mess in the streets, via means such as throwing trash everywhere or playing loud music at night.
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Kidnapping is the criminal act of taking another person by force. The kidnapped person is held against their will for ransom, abuse, or something else.
It refers to the secretive following or tracking another person for a long time. The offender will follow his victim to cause fear, distress, or want. Most stalkers use this act for power and control.
Bribery is the deviant behavior of an individual offering money, perks, or special favors to another person in a position of power. Bribing is done to influence people.
Drug abuse refers to the illegal or improper use of drugs. Drug abusers become addicts, and their lives are controlled by using more and more drugs.
This deviant behavior involves sleeping in public places or begging. When a person has nothing to do because he does not want to work, it is considered vagrancy. The offender is imprisoned for this act of not settling down and contributing to the economy.
It involves the kidnapping, transportation, and trading of people for sexual exploitation. Most traffickers target schools where they kidnap unsuspecting kids.
Animal cruelty is the abuse of animals where the abuser hurts, tortures, or kills animals for fun. Animal cruelty is considered an early sign of violent behavior.
People who do this deviant behavior will write their names, initials, or other words on public property like walls. These vandals want to be known by everyone.
Forgery is the act of producing or altering a document to deceive people. The offender will forge the documents such as banknotes, immigration papers, and legal documents.
This deviant behavior involves the unauthorized use of credit cards for personal gains, such as making purchases or getting cash. The offender is imprisoned for this offense because credit cards are not free money.
Unlawful assemblies are deviant behavior involving gathering a collective group of people acting against the Law.
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Tailgating is when a driver continuously follows another vehicle too closely. This deviant act causes a traffic jam because the culprit refuses to slow down or pass the vehicle in front.
Air pollution is caused by the release of hazardous gases into the air. The offender will not care about their actions; they release dangerous toxins.
This deviance is the production, distribution, or possession of materials that are considered offensive. These materials may involve nudity and sex acts.
It refers to aggressive behavior towards another person, such as making threats, spreading rumors, and physically hurting others.
It’s the act of doing illegal activities that involve crossing a border without permission. Smugglers deal in weapons, drugs, or people.
Littering is the illegal act of throwing trash in a public space. The offender will throw away their junk food, drinks, cans, and other items.
Smoking in public areas is the act of smoking where it is prohibited. The offender will smoke in the bank, mall, or office. Public smoking endangers other people’s lives.
Some people dump trash in an area that is not designated for this act. The offender will throw away cans, bottles, papers, and other items in places not permitted to dump the trash.
Workplace violence is deviant behavior that involves the threat or use of violence to resolve conflicts.
This behavior involves the illegal possession of firearms and weapons. The offender may use them to threaten or harm other people.
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you will be arrested for having an outdated green card or using a fraudulent one.
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This deviant behavior involves the passing of counterfeit money as if it were real. People who do this want to exchange counterfeit money to get real money.
Bumping into another vehicle is the act of colliding with the side or rear end of another vehicle.
A bad check is when a person writes a check but does not have the money in the account to cover it.
It happens when a person refuses to leave a restaurant when the closing time has come. Instead, he may wait until all his companions finish eating.
It is the act of taking flash pictures in public areas. When one does this in forbidden areas, it’s considered an offense.
An offender parks his vehicle in a parking space for an extended period. This act is deviant because it interferes with the ability of other people to use the space as well.
This deviant behavior involves treating other road users with disrespect and threatening their lives. The offender may cut in line, speed, or tailgate.
Even if you’re the only one driving, failure to respect stop signs and traffic signals is a crime.
You can’t threaten to kill someone if they bother you. Instead, you have to call the police to take care of it.
Driving on a suspended license is deviant behavior. If you are caught, you can be arrested, and your vehicle will be taken away by the police.
If you forcibly break into a building, you are acting illegally. The offender can be arrested and charged with aggravated burglary.
Some people harass learning drivers or anyone who makes a mistake on the road. This behavior is unlawful since there are better ways of correcting others.
Violations of seatbelt laws are the acts of driving without a seatbelt, and some people either refuse to wear one or take it off in their car, etc.
If you drive without a radiator or with defective brakes, you can damage others. You will be arrested for this behavior.
It is a deviant behavior in which the offender turns into the wrong street or lane. They will have to pay for any damages caused.
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Informal deviance is the more subtle and indirect form of deviant behavior. These are not usually brought to the police or legal attention. The offenders in this type of deviant behavior do not usually get into trouble with the law enforcers.
The deviant acts under informal deviance violate the social norms of a particular society. Below are 50 examples of informal deviant behaviors.
Ignoring people’s messages is an informal deviant behavior. The ignored person will find such behavior disgusting.
This is an irresponsible deviant act that can get you fired. Employees in an organization should observe time.
An unapproved leave from work is deviant. The offenders leave without notifying their managers, and this makes them irresponsible.
Drinking in the office is deviant behavior. Employees who do such in the workplace face disciplinary actions.
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The disgusting act of spitting on a public space violates social norms. The offender will spit on floors, tables, or sidewalks to get rid of saliva.
Not wearing nametags or ignoring greetings when holding a social event is an act of indirect disrespect.
Failing to keep promises is an informal deviant behavior. People who do such break the trust of other people.
This type of deviant behavior involves using the company resources for personal gain. It’s irresponsible and unbecoming.
Nose-picking in public is an informal deviant behavior. It’s disgusting to watch someone pick their nose.
This deviant behavior may not be illegal, but it may go against some social-cultural norms depending on the offenders’ community.
People who ignore invitations by failing to respond are deviant. A positive or negative response is expected.
This behavior is offensive to the lender. If you’re not able to return borrowed items as agreed, consider informing the lender.
It is a deviant act that may offend the host. Before arriving late, inform the person hosting you of your delay.
You may think you have the right of way but giving way to such people is good manners. Allowing others to pass will also reduce road accidents.
It is an informal deviant behavior that can get the offender fired. It’s irresponsible and morally unacceptable.
This inappropriate behavior may offend other people in the workplace. You can be fired for committing such offenses.
Some people have perfected the art of lying and covering lies with more lies. Such are called chronic liers and cannot be trusted.
Judging others based on wrong assumptions is wrong. The offender judges people without evidence and facts.
Untidiness is an offensive behavior that can make associates feel bad. A tidy environment improves productivity.
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Gossiping is a form of informal deviant behavior. Gossips are generally untrustworthy people, who do not share facts and information.
The act of sharing other people’s secrets depicts betrayal. People who do such are untrustworthy and selfish. They may have a problem with trust and loyalty.
Allocating time to personal affairs during working hours is an act of informal deviance. Employers frown at such activities because it reduces productivity.
Making fun of other people is rude and selfish. The offenders are generally bullies who lack social skills.
Eating while working is an informal deviant behavior. Employees who do such slow down their efficiency and productivity.
Profanity is morally unacceptable and only exposes how rude and careless a person is, especially in public.
Making sexual advances or touching others inappropriately sexually is unacceptable. Such people are called perverts.
Buying friendships is doing good to others to gain something from them. These are friendships of convenience that only exist for benefits and advantages.
Some people stare at others to intimidate them or make them uncomfortable without any reason. This kind of staring is disrespectful.
This form of behavior is morally unacceptable—people who do such spread unconfirmed information about other people.
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When you cancel an appointment with someone, you’re expected to give a reason. Cancelling appointments last minute is deviant and disrespectful.
Such postings are considered private or personal by the victims who have no control over how these photos are shared online.
Interrupting people during a conversation is considered deviant. The offenders are inconsiderate people who have no consideration for others.
This behavior is an act of entitlement. Such people do not respect privacy and the ownership of personal belongings.
Some people tend to hold long conversations and destroy the focus of other people at work or in public places.
Making fun or insulting mentally ill people shows that you lack compassion and have no respect for human rights. This behavior makes one morally inept.
Smiling to strangers without knowing them can be considered suspect. Such people are generally dishonest and untrustworthy since they have hidden motives.
The offender will throw away food, garbage, or any other trash out of their car window. This deviant act pollutes the environment and is a health hazard.
Sleeping while at work is irresponsible and a violation of work ethics. Such people are lazy and not focused on their work.
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Ignoring a person who asks for help shows a lack of empathy and compassion. Such people have no feelings.
It’s mostly men who ogle over women’s bodies, although it can be the other way. This behavior is unbecoming.
This habit is a sign of laziness and irresponsibility. If it happens once or twice, it’s understandable. However, forming a habit is deviance.
People who do such show no respect to other people regardless of their position or status.
Some people tend to hold dirty dishes in their sink for days without washing them. It is irresponsible and shows a lack of care or order.
Body shaming is against social norms. It’s not just about insulting someone for their body shape but also making such people feel like they’re unattractive.
When you pick a fight in public, it damages your reputation and makes those around you uncomfortable.
Talking with food in the mouth is unhygienic and gross, especially if you spit or show the chewed food. The offenders are likely to get others ill with their actions.
Unless you’re playing a fun game with someone, blowing smoke at them without their consent is annoying and unhygienic.
It is an act of greed and a lack of respect. Also, if others miss food because of your greed, you’re inconsiderate.
Some people urinate, spit, and do other unhygienic acts in public swimming pools. Such behaviors are against social norms.
According to the social control theory, society provides informal and formal sanctions to discourage undesirable behavior. The people in the society employ informal social control, while formal social control comes from the government.
Social norms play a significant role in reinforcing cultural values within society. Crimes, on the other hand, are those acts that violate social norms. Most societies have laws prohibiting deviant behaviors such as rape, murder, and theft.
However, even with such laws, most of these crimes continue to occur for many reasons. Some criminal behaviors are interpreted differently in different cultures, while others may not be illegal but are considered deviant in certain societies.
Social norms are guidelines that people use to act appropriately in society. Violating such norms is likely to bring negative consequences. Social psychologists posit that people engage in deviance due to several reasons. Some do it for the thrill, while others think they go against society’s unfair laws or rules.
Deviance is also seen as a way to achieve social goals such as fame and wealth, among other things. Many deviant behaviors also serve as a way of coping with personal problems and frustrations.
According to the Social Learning Theory, peer pressure is a motivating factor that encourages people to engage in deviant behavior. People whose peers highly influence have an increased risk of engaging in deviant behaviors compared to those who are not.
Social norms help deter people from doing things such as drinking alcohol in public places or talking to strangers during a road trip, even when the people around them are encouraging them to do so. People aware of social norms have less risk of engaging in deviant behaviors because they know it’s inappropriate and unacceptable.
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Deviant behaviors are behaviors that violate societal norms and rules. They may be considered criminal or immoral, but they also vary depending on the society in which they occur.
The examples of deviance given here should give you an idea of what a “deviant behavior” means and explain why it might exist. Keep these definitions in mind when researching this topic further to understand better how to address them if needed for your work.
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